Meet Our Firm

About Aspen Grove Integrative Law

Like a grove of aspen trees, we are all interconnected. In our approach, we aim to work with people in a compassionate way to resolve conflicts early, and in ways that seek to heal conflict between individuals. We empower people to take ownership of their lives instead of submitting to the typical motions of the legal system. Our intention is to counsel people through conflict in a way that avoids litigation and allows true healing.

An act of aggression between two individuals spreads conflict to all those connected with them. We believe that changing the way we deal with conflict on an individual level will ripple through society, and can bring peace and healing throughout communities. We aim to help our clients find resolutions that allow them to stay in the present, rather than dwelling on the past.

Meet Dave and Eleni

Eleni was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, and Dave is from Fremont, a small rural town in northwest Ohio. They met as interns on a political campaign in 2006. After being married for two years they attended law school together. When meeting with their torts professor to review final exams, the professor demonstrated how Dave’s exam response was based upon his “big picture” perspective, and Eleni’s was based upon her “detail-oriented” perspective — Dave sees the forest for the trees, and Eleni sees the trees for the forest. This synergy offers an all-encompassing analysis of matters, and a fine story for a law firm named Aspen Grove Integrative Law.

Dave and Eleni enjoy perspective-shifts induced by travel, time spent in nature, or seeing the world from the eyes of a child. As such, life is full of wonders as they adventure with their young children Niko and Peri.

In 2024, Eleni and Dave transitioned their traditional legal practice to an integrative law firm. This transition is founded upon years of their own individual paths of healing and self-discovery; ever seeking to live with intention and in peace. Following much research, coaching, and soul searching, they learned that they had been incorporating elements of integrative law in their practice for years, and the time had come to commit fully to this peaceful way of being lawyers.

Dave and Eleni aim to help individuals resolve conflicts and legal issues in innovative ways that empower individual sovereignty, and they believe every act of peace contributes to healing the legal system as a whole.

  • In his first nine years as an attorney, Dave assisted people in the areas of general civil litigation, employment law, and business planning and consulting. Representing hundreds of people in private negotiations and multiple courts and agencies, Dave noticed a pattern. Because our traditional adversarial system focuses only on monetary compensation, clients often leave this process feeling that they did not receive "justice" or that the underlying wrongs are still raw and not healed.

    In 2023, Dave began exploring other ways of being a lawyer - of bringing kindness, collaboration, and cooperation to the law. He crafted a blueprint for how he could help clients heal from the traumas they've experienced, instead of fighting for years for a resolution that addresses only financial wholeness. This ultimately led to Dave and Eleni's discovery of the integrative law movement. In 2024, they renamed their firm Aspen Grove Integrative Law.

    Dave's goal is to help clients find meaningful resolutions through peaceful means and to avoid the adversarial legal system. He combines legal wisdom with love and compassion to provide balanced assistance through complicated situations.


    • B.S., College of Wooster, 2008

    • J.D., University of Toledo College of Law, 2014

    Bar Admission

    • State of Colorado, 2015

    Training and Certificates

    • Licensed to practice law in Colorado, 2015.

    • 40-Hour Mediation Training, Colorado Bar Association

    • 40-Hour Mediation Training, Mediation Association of Colorado, administered by Blue Jean Mediation, PLLC.

  • Eleni has been honored to assist lovely individuals, couples, and families with estate planning and the administration of estates for over 9 years, and now she is taking a sabbatical from that practice. 

    Eleni desires to hold peaceful, loving space for individuals to rediscover wholeness and reconnect to true nature, so that each may bring a sense of peace and love throughout daily life and into communities.


    • B.S., University of Colorado Boulder, 2008

    • J.D., University of Toledo College of Law, 2014

    Bar Admission

    • State of Colorado, 2015

  • Jane grew up in Evanston, Illinois and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Psychological Services from Northwestern University in 2008. Jane utilized this education to understand how development, life experience and trauma affect people’s coping mechanisms. She interned with the Cook County Juvenile Probation Department to develop her thesis while in college and later worked as a Counselor for high-risk foster youth in San Diego, California serving as a bridge between the child and foster parent and as a resource to navigating their relationship and goals. Later, she transitioned to ABA therapy for preschool children with autism and empowering their families to develop effective learning and behavioral patterns at home.

    While these experiences may all seem quite unrelated to employment law, the uncomfortable feelings surrounding traumatic life experiences and conflict are not. Jane is passionate about helping others find a voice to express their thoughts and needs while incorporating real-world solutions.

    Jane lived in Durango from 2016-2019 and has since relocated to New Braunfels, Texas where she supports Aspen Grove remotely.


Lawyers with heart

Caring, compassionate listeners

Empathetic and honest

Lawyers with heart • Caring, compassionate listeners • Empathetic and honest •