After nine years of litigating employment cases in state and federal court, Dave and Eleni have come to believe that, while our civil law system serves its purpose when necessary, it should be avoided at all costs. People or companies who have experienced a traumatic event or a contentious situation in the workplace are better served by considering all possible avenues to resolve a matter without costly and time-consuming litigation.

Since opening their firm in 2015 Dave and Eleni have represented more than 200 employees in Colorado, New Mexico, and Ohio.  They have litigated over 40 cases in U.S. Federal Court, Colorado State Court, the Colorado Court of Appeals, and have taken one case to the Colorado Supreme Court. Dave and Eleni have always been focused on resolving these cases. With Dave as the firm’s primary litigator, he is particularly skilled at building relationships with opposing counsel, mediators, and others in the process to ensure the best possible outcome for their clients.

Beginning in 2023, Dave began to search for a new way of practicing law in a peaceful, authentic, and heart-centered way that allows for all parties to reach an efficient resolution so that all can move on from the conflict and work on healing whatever wounds might remain, rather than allowing those wounds to fester for years while locked in battles with the “other.” Dave seeks to assist those who wish to resolve conflict, heal their wounds, and continue on their path free from the burdens of fighting.

With peace as a goal, Dave now offers his services not only to employees who feel they have been mistreated at work, but also to employers to help resolve issues before they end in scenarios that could lead to conflict and litigation.

For employees:

  • We are committed to providing clients with an honest and thorough evaluation of your potential claims. This cannot be accomplished in a one-hour initial consultation. So after our consultation, if we feel you have claims, we will begin our representation of you with an internal investigation of your facts and evidence so that we can provide you with a complete and honest analysis of your potential claims. This analysis will assist us in answering all of your questions and providing you options for next steps so that you can make an informed decision about how you want to proceed, if at all.

    Some cases need to be litigated. Dave can assist you in reviewing and analyzing your case to determine if it makes sense to find an attorney who will represent you in litigating your case. In this process Dave will teach you about the law so that you understand which facts and evidence are relevant to your claims and which are not. He will also help you assemble your case materials into an easy-to-access packet of information that will give you the best chance of finding a great attorney to litigate your case.

  • Dave works with employees who feel that their job is at risk, but who have not been terminated. Understanding the law is key to navigating this difficult process. Whether you have been put on leave pending an investigation, or you just feel like you have a target on your back, Dave can assist you in de-escalating the situation while also taking all steps necessary to preserve any potential claims that you might have in the future.

  • Dave works with employees whose employment has come to an end to help process the events and create a pathway forward that will attempt to find a resolution without years of costly litigation. Recognizing that it “takes two to tango,” this can only be accomplished if there is a willing party on the other end. However, working with employees, Dave will create the best approach possible to encourage cooperation and collaboration instead of aggressive posturing that results in defensive responses with no hope of resolution.

  • We represent employees within the state and federal agencies who accept complaints regarding employment related issues. These agencies include, but are not limited to: the Colorado Civil Rights Division, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, the Federal Department of Labor, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the National Labor Relations Board, and more.

  • We can assist you with a separation or severance agreement considering all factors involved in a timely and efficient manner. We review and help you understand the agreement, and advocate for your rights under the agreement, which may include negotiating terms.

For employers:

  • Attempt to resolve the conflict or dispute before the conflict ends in an employee’s resignation or termination, exposing the employer to liability. Dave is trained as a mediator and is skilled at facilitating discussions between parties in conflict. Ideally this can occur while all parties are still employed, but he can also assist in the aftermath of a termination or resignation.

  • Dave conducts workplace investigations (required by numerous employment laws if complaints of harassment or discrimination are made by an employee). Dave prides himself on conducting investigations that not only get to the bottom of the facts, but in a way that is kind and compassionate to those who are involved in the matter. Treating all parties with dignity and respect is key to resolving disputes and preventing conflicts from reaching a point of no return.

  • Dave has litigated many employment cases. He has a keen eye for knowing what employers can do to ensure that they have policies and procedures that are aimed at preventing unlawful conduct in the workplace and ensuring that all parties involved are treated fairly in the process.

  • Colorado law now requires all employers to provide trainings and programs to their employees to prevent harassment and discrimination. Dave can help design a training that makes sense for your company and that also ensures you are compliant with Colorado law.

  • Dave is available to provide advice and consultation to business owners who not only want to limit and avoid liability, but also want to ensure that their workplace is a fair, equitable, and an enjoyable place for all of its employees.

“The highest hallmark of a civilized society is not the rapidity by which it exacts vengeance, but its ability to hold victim and victimizer in its compassionate heart.”


Employment law is complex and ever-shifting. Whether you are an employee or an employer, we can assist you in navigating the legal landscape of employment law in Colorado in a way that is authentic and realistic, with the focus of preserving human relationships and healing conflict so that life is not disrupted by years of harmful litigation.