Conflict is an unavoidable part of being human. Litigation, however, is avoidable. We are committed to understanding-based facilitation of conflict. This means that we prioritize helping clients engage in practices where they can begin to hear, and maybe even understand, the other side’s perspective. Our training in facilitative mediation and our background as practicing attorneys with a decade of experience in litigation and planning means that we can meet parties where they are and listen to their stories with intention so that we can facilitate meaningful dialogue to help parties resolve their disputes to avoid the time and costs of litigation.

Mediation Offerings

  • This method of mediation involves bringing parties who are in conflict into the same room with a mediator who can facilitate a conversation and dialogue to help guide the parties to finding their own resolution to their conflict.

    We believe that facilitative mediation is underrated and severely underused in our current society. It is easy to blame lawyers for the state of our current conflict management as a society. We promote the idea that it is the responsibility of the parties in conflict to attempt to resolve their disputes using a third-party mediator rather than "lawyering up" as soon as conflict strikes.

  • Dave has been trained as a mediator through the Colorado Bar Association. He has also participated in many private mediations as a lawyer representing his clients. His 9 years of experience as a litigator means he has a great deal of knowledge about the litigation experience for lawyers and clients. In addition, his training in facilitative and understanding based conflict resolution allow him to speak directly with clients in a compassionate way to help parties find a meaningful resolution.

    If you are looking for a fresh and gentler approach to the traditional mediation process, Aspen Grove Integrative Law can provide that experience for you and your client.

  • Dave and Eleni have helped hundreds of clients with workplace conflicts. Unfortunately, by the time lawyers get involved in these conflicts it is usually too late to discuss a quick resolution. We help businesses and employees resolve conflicts at their earliest stages.

    Conflict in the workplace can have wide ranging repercussions. In the workplace, every hour matters and no one wants to waste time on conflicts.

    If not addressed, workplace conflict can result in needless turnover, loss of productivity, and costly litigation. It can feel impossible to navigate conflicts between co-workers, and if conflict occurs amongst leadership, it can impact the entire company.

    We are committed to understanding-based facilitation of conflict. Our training in facilitative mediation with a background as employment lawyers means that we can meet parties where they are, in order to resolve disputes, so that everyone can get back to work.

  • In mediation the cliche that "it takes two to tango" is absolutely true. You cannot mediate if both parties are not voluntarily willing to participate in good faith.

    However, individuals can do a lot of internal work on their own to help process and heal themselves in times of conflict.

    Dave and Eleni have been helping clients through conflict as law clerks and attorneys for over 14 years. They are particularly adept at working one-on-one with clients to provide guidance as individuals try to navigate difficult conflicts.

    This option is particularly effective for clients who are open to learning about themselves through the lens of their particular conflict and who do not want to hire a lawyer to fight with the other party within the traditional adversarial legal system.

Schedule a Mediation

OPTION 1: Invite someone to mediation.

In this instance, one party in a dispute is interested in mediation, but they are not sure if the other party is interested. You can hire Aspen Grove Integrative Law to send an invitations to mediation on your behalf. In that letter we will explain what mediation is and how we can help. If the other party is interested, then we will coordinate with both parties to schedule the mediation, hold pre-mediation sessions, and ensure the costs are split in accordance with the parties’ agreement.

OPTION 2: We’re ready to mediate now.

In this instance the parties and their lawyers have agreed that it is time to attend a mediation. After you fill out our request form and we determine that we do not have any conflicts, we will send you our scheduling link and we will get your mediation on the calendar. We will then send our pre-mediation process and instructions to both parties.

To begin the process of hiring us as your mediator (for either option) please click the link below.

Dave Albrechta, Mediator

Dave has represented clients in over 50 private mediations, as well as numerous mediations with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Colorado Civil Rights Division. He has served as a volunteer mediator for the La Plata County Small Claims Court and has mediated a number of disputes within businesses. He is a certified mediator, having completed two 40-hour mediation trainings in addition to his years of practical experience. Dave offers mediation primarily in the area of employment, but also has experience resolving business and real estate disputes.

Dave has completed two 40-hour trainings as a mediator, is a member of the Mediation Association of Colorado and is on the Alternative Dispute Resolution committee of the Colorado Bar Association.